PopArt Plaster Bandages - Creamy Smooth
Plaster Bandage
PopArt Brand plaster bandages are a superior quality quick-setting bandage that provides a creamy thick plaster consistency. Widths from 5-inches, 8-inches and 12-inches, by 5-yards long they provide a quick covering trouble-free application.
Use for mask making, casting forms and for mther molds, the PopArt brand will not delaminate and provides a quick set.
How to Apply Plaster Bandage
Simply cut to length, dip in warm water, squeeze lightly and apply. For best results apply in three-ply thickness, overlapping about one third of the previous bandage. Use additional plaster bandages folded in quarters to make rope-like lengths to reinforce the edges of you mold to prevent mold spread upon removal. It is important to use clean water for dipping. Do not let the water get milky or the excess plaster in the water may cause the bandages to delimate after they are dry. To prevent this, use two bowls of clear water. When one bowl appears milky, use the second bowl while the first bowl is changed out for clear water.