Ed brings to EnvironMolds and artmolds.com a love and an infectious enthusiasm for the art that is found in the dedicated service his company provides to its customers whether they are just beginners or seasoned professionals. He is always available ready to help. The company's motto "High Quality Materials at Exceptional Prices" is apparent throughout the site and the products.
EnvironMolds is a complete life casting experience by itself, providing everything a lifecaster needs from supplies to publicity. . .
- Supplies. We offer the highest quality life casting molding, casting and mounting supplies and excellent prices that can be found anywhere.
- Kits. We do all the work for you as we assemble and sell complete lifecasting kits from kits to cast babies hands all the way to the ultimate full body kits.
- Instruction. Our site is a comprehensive lifecasting learning resource, too. We offer the most comprehensive library of videos and books available on lifecasting that you will find anywhere. In addition as an Association of Lifecasting (ALI) Certified Instructor we provide workshops on lifecasting throughout the year. You can also locate other ALI Certified instructors and workshops on our site, too. Visit this artist's guild website at: Lifecasting
- Gallery. A location to display your lifecasting work. Take pride in your work by showing it to the world. We have two sections on our website where you can display your lifecasting work at no charge. The Customer Gallery, for customers of EnvironMolds who wish to show a finished lifecasting project, and the Lifecasters In Residence Section, for more advanced lifecasters who wish to display their lifecasting portfolio.
- Start Your Own Business. Our company also helps beginning lifecasters and artists to start their own lifecasting businesses. We provide personal advice, promotional material and all the resources you need to start a profitable lifecasting business. Whether you wish to emphasize infant casting, or wish to offer other lifecasting services we can help get you started.
EnvironMolds is dedicated to artists and their work. We are usually available for consultation on artist’s issue seven days a week and are happy to brain storm with you.
In June of 2013 we began publishing ArtMolds Journal. It is a magazine written for all three dimensional artist’s, offering information on material and techniques. ArtMolds Journal is both a digital and print magazine. It is published bi-monthly and features interviews with world-class artists on their materials and techniques for stone carving, ceramic arts, life casting, mold making, casting arts and special effects. Everyone can read one article free in each edition. To get more information or to subscribe, visit the magazine’s website at www.artmoldsjournal.com.