Figure 1
For many, mold making can seem a bit intimidating. Molds are used when you wish to create copies of an original model or a cast that you have made. This step-by-step, ‘How-to’ explanation will demonstrate just how easy it is to create molds that reproduce just about anything . . . and it is fun, too!
There are two basic mold types, a blanket mold and a block mold. A block mold is the simplest form of mold. It is a one-part poured mold. It can be used to reproduce figurines, small statues and uncomplicated models. In our demonstration we have chosen to reproduce a baby’s hand that we have created using the KidzEZ Casting Kit. With such a mold you can make numerous copies of your model using CastRite casting plaster art stone or KastEZ Resin. For this project you’ll need about 30-minutes of preparation, then several hours for the mold to cure before you demold. The materials and tools required are minimal. So let’s get started.

Figure 2
Assemble your materials. You will need a MoldRite 25 silicone kit (1-pint). You will need a box cutter or an Exacto knife, a hot glue gun, several 16-oz plastic cups, a gram scale, and of course your model. In this demonstration it is our baby’s hand cast.

Figure 3
Next, using your knife, the top portion of the cup is removed. This allows the mold maker easier access to the inside of the cup so that the model can be placed on the bottom.

Figure 4

Figure 5
The hand is centered and then glued on the bottom of the cup. You should have at least one-inch of space all around your model to give it adequate support once de-molded.

Figure 6

Figure 7