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New Techniques for Perfect Face Castings Page-3

Preparing for the Shell Mold
Our technique secures the FiberGel to the shell mold. Since alginate will do adhere to anything we must embed fiber into the alginate before it sets. The set alginate will then hold the fiber secure. The fiber in turn will be secured to the shell mold as the plaster of the shell dries.

Though embedding fiber is not a new technique - Algislo is. The artist no longer needs to rush before his alginate dries. Algislo will resoften the set alginate surfacing sufficiently to embed fiber. Start by spray the top of the head until you can see the blue-green liquid on the surface. Cover the model's nose as you spray lower down. Once applied you are ready to embed the fiber.

Spray the top of the head with Algislo until you can see the blue-green liquid on the surface. 

 Embedding the Fiber
Once the face has been coated with Algislo the artist is ready to embed the fiber. Take the 6-inch square of cotton and lightly dab it on the surface (just touch the surface every so lightly). Only a very little fiber is required so just a light on the surface is all that is required to leave a small amount of fiber behind. Make certain you cover the entire surface. Pay attention to the edges you will want to be certain these are covered with fiber as the edges will tend to pull away from the shell mold if not sufficiently coated.

Using a 2-inch chip brush begin coating the entire surface with your plaster liquid. 

Once you have completed this step, which should take less than a minute, you are ready to add your shell mold. Add your plaster to your water. Use your hand to stir to working to squeeze out the clumps between your fingers.

With a 2-inch chip brush begin coating the entire surface with your plaster liquid. This will saturate the fiber so that the cheese cloth will adhere to it when you apply it.

Take a piece of cheesecloth and apply it perpendicular to one side of the face and coat that with plaster.

Applying the Cheescloth

Using a 2-inch chip brush begin coating the entire surface of the alginate embedded fiber with your plaster liquid. This will saturate the fiber so that the cheesecloth will adhere to it when you apply it. Take a strip of cheesecloth and apply it across the top of the forehead. Paint it with a coat of plaster. Then take a piece of cheesecloth and apply it perpendicular to one side of the face and coat that with plaster. Do the same with the other side of the face. Then take a strip of cheesecloth, apply it under the chin and then on top of the two pieces that outline the sides of the face applying plaster. Continue applying cheesecloth and plaster until the face is filled in with plaster-coated cheesecloth. 

Continue applying cheesecloth and plaster until the face is filled in with plaster-coated cheesecloth. 

Take a ¼ strip of cheesecloth and apply between the nostrils. Coat the cheesecloth surface a second time and apply another set of cheesecloth strips onto of the first. Coat the surface with a heavy coat of plaster and allow it to set up.

Take a ¼ strip of cheesecloth and apply between the nostrils.

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