Figure 36
As the first layer of plaster is applied, the pre-cut strips of cheesecloth are dipped in plaster and smooth out for application
Figure 37
Additional plaster impregnated cheesecloth is added to front the surface, overlapping successive pieces until the entire surface is covered.
Figure 38
Care must be taken to smooth out the cheesecloth against the front surface so that there are no air bubbles. The air bubbles would weaken the mold.
Figure 39
Extra cheesecloth is added around the entire flange for added strength. The flange takes a great deal of stress why prying apart the two plaster mold halves and such reinforcement minimizes possible breakage.
Figure 40
As the plaster sets up on the front, the clay wall can now be removed from behind the plaster. Note the clay being removed.
Figure 41
The clay is also removed from the mold keys. Note the prominent protruding mold key which was the result of the three indentations made in the clay before creating the plaster mold.
Figure 42
A plaster rasp is used to smooth off the rough edges and corners of the plaster. Sharp edges can cause cuts so they should be removed.
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