Figure 22
The clay used to create the parting line is removed and the acorn nuts are removed. Both of the items will no longer be needed. Carefully clean out any residual clay using sculpting tools. You can also use an old tooth brush and dishwashing liquid to clean the stained silicone mold.

Figure 23
We can begin creating the mold box for the second side of the mold. Again, we take some foam board to create the wall of the mold box. The wall should be twice as high as the highest part of the model. Score the foam board on one side about 2-3 inches apart to allow for easy bending.

Figure 24
In Figure 24 you can see the score lines that were made on the foam board as the board is being bent along the score lines.

Figure 25
For the second time we are hot glueing the foam board wall to the baseboard of the model.

Figure 26
Clay is applied to fill the inside gap where the foam board meets the silicone mold half. It is also applied on the outside of the foam board at the base. (see Figure 26).

Figure 27
We repeat the process of mixing silicone as we did for the first half of the mold. In this image the catalyst is being added to the base. Though it is hard to see, the mixing container is sitting on a gram scale. The mold maker is watching the digital scale as he pours for a precisely 10-to-1 mix ratio of base to catalyst..

Figure 28
The silicone rubber is mixed as before, making certain that the final mix result is an even color throughout the mixed silicone.