The Ultimate Guide to Fine Figure Finishing - VHS
In this excellent lifecasting video, 'Fine Figure Finishing With Mark Prent's ADT System ' Mark demonstrates all of the processes, using the cast Forton figure he created in the video, 'Success With Full Body Molds and Forton Castings'. First he shows how to hollow out eye sockets in the cast Forton head and, using an ingenious molding and casting trick, he creates a natural looking open eyelid before inserting high quality prosthetic-grade glass eyes. Next, he demonstrates his own revolutionary approach to implanting individual hairs on a Forton scalp and life-like eyebrows. Finally, you will learn how to join the finished head to the body and bring the figure to life with color applied using an air-brush.
We suggest viewing Mark's video, 'Success With Full Body Molds and Forton Castings' first.